AC Magazine 2021From the President
“It goes on.” Despite all of the disruptions and challenges of the past year, I am proud to say that the extraordinary experience Austin College students receive goes on as well.

Seeing 20/20
Shall we say it up front? This past year was hard, in lots of ways. Yet, the human spirit rose above the daily circumstances here on campus.

On the Front Lines
’Roos Responded in 2020 acting on the front lines of all walks of life.

A Broad Worldview Helps Doctors Face a Global Challenge
Hundreds of Austin College alumni work in the medical profession, delivering care in varying specialties all over the world.

Finding A New Normal: Tyson Bennett ’92
In the middle of what was an open field in southwest Sherman stands the new Sherman High School. The building opened to students in January 2021, in the middle of a global pandemic.

Sally & Jim Nation Theatre
The new Sally and Jim Nation Theatre provides not only upgraded and aesthetic seating but modernized theatrical lighting and controls, new curtains and rigging, a new sound system and speakers, and a laser projector and retractable screen for presentations, movies, and visual effects. The upgrades will allow improved production value and a greater variety of events.

Making A Way
Educators share Innovations in the time of COVID.

This Family is All In: The Filander Coaching Team
The coaches know well that victories can be elusive, even with talent, diligence, and spirit from their athletes.

A Dream Realized
In December 2020, Don Gibson, M.D., put aside his scalpel for the final time after 35 years as a cardiovascular surgeon in Houston, Texas.

No One Plans for a Pandemic: Lance Haynes ’92 proclaims, “Fredericksburg, Texas has more fun things to do than most cities five times its size.”

Pastoring in 2020: Josh ’01 and Amy Poling Sutherlun ’00 
We’ve been in ministry almost two decades and this season has, hands-down, been the strangest/hardest/most surprising and disruptive yet.

Words like develop, discover, and explore are embedded in the lexicon of learning at Austin College, and they are powerfully exemplified within the Center for Research, Experiential, Artistic, and Transformative Education.

Transformed: Student Success
Success is as varied and nuanced as the people who define it. Being the best, the first, the richest come to mind. Clearing hurdles, influencing opinion, or solving problems also ring true. Is it an outcome or is it a process? Success is complicated.

TEDXAustinCollege 2020 continued as planned, though safely distanced and with some schedule changes. Ideas Worth Spreading were the mainstay of the event, held in Sally and Jim Nation Theatre in Ida Green Communication Center and marked by a traditional red X alongside Margaret Jonsson Fountain and Plaza.

An Expert in the House: Saritha Bangara’s Voice Is Strong in Task Force
Every morning, Monday through Friday, members of the President’s COVID-19 Health Task Force pull up to the big table in the board room to discuss what’s new.

A Voice for Good Health
During the summer of 2020, Jeff Levin ’79 M.D., was sometimes called the “Dr. Fauci of East Texas.” The doctor who spent his career at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Tyler became the area’s voice for public health and safety.

‘Roo Notes

  • Bulletin Board
  • Class Notes
  • Capturing Dedicated Service on Canvas: John Deckert ’72
  • Explore the Chisholm Trail: Scott Metelko ’88
  • Thomas Newsom ’91 is President at SOSU
  • Living Out Her Mo-Ranch Memories: Allison Harris ’05
  • Katie Masucci ’11 Helps City of Plano Earn EPA WaterSense Award
  • Evelyn Mitchell ’13 Works as Land Use Planner
  • Alumni Speak at 2020 TEDxAustinCollege
  • ‘Roo Legacies
  • Following the Footsteps
  • Alumni BookshelfRoos Network ad
  • ‘Roo Mates
  • Joeys
  • In Memoriam

In Other Words – The Tradition of the Austin College Alumni Association
Austin College has, without doubt, as loyal a group of men in her Alumni Association as any other college in the state.


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