AC Magazine | 2024 Issue

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Featured Articles

Austin College 175th Anniversary

Explore. Belong. Make a Difference.

As the oldest institution of higher education in Texas operating under its original name and charter, Austin College has endured pandemics and wars, and has expanded its student body with co-education in 1918 and desegregation in 1959. All those souls, with their hopes and dreams, have had opportunities to learn more about the world, find friendship, and help their neighbors—in the community and around the world—through acts of service...

Exterior view of Austin College Health Campus

New Master's Degree Helps Meet Growing Healthcare

In October 2023, the new Austin College Master of Medical Science-Physician Assistant degree program received provisional accreditation and began admitting applicants for the first class to matriculate in June 2024. With just two years of post-graduate study and successful completion of licensing exams, the graduates of the new program will be PAs who can diagnose, treat, and follow up with patients while working with a supervising physician...

Global Wafers Constructon

Austin College Meets the

The future of Austin College depends on being relevant. Technical skills plus liberal arts empowers people to think differently about the world; to be adaptive.”

— Dr. Beth Gill, Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the Faculty

Meet the Team

Heidi Rushing '04

Heidi Rushing '04

Chief Marketing and Communications Officer

Melanie Fountaine

Melanie Fountaine

Magazine Designer & Art Director

Laura Veach

Laura Veach

Lead Writer & Editor

Tori Walters

Tori Walters

Staff Writer