• Reading time:2 mins read

Give Now, Pay LaterWill your legacy insure that Austin College continues to positively impact the lives of young people in the future, just as other individuals in the past, like Austin College’s founder Dr. Daniel Baker, chose to provide for today’s students?

The simplest way for you to confirm that your legacy wishes will benefit Austin College is a gift through your will, retirement plan, or life insurance policy. These gifts require no immediate financial commitment from you and can be arranged at any age.

We appreciate your consideration of a legacy gift and look forward to welcoming you as a member of The Covenant Society, an honor bestowed only to generous donors who name Austin College as a beneficiary in their legacy plan.

For more information, please visit Austin College Planned Giving.

Contact: Jennifer Pearson
Director of Major Gifts & Estate Planning, at 903.813.2336

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IRA Distributions Rule Extended

The IRA rules regarding gifts to qualified charities has been extended through December 31, 2011, and charitable distributions for the 2010 tax year can be made through the end of January 2011.

Rules adopted in 2006 have allowed taxpayers 70 1/2 and older to contribute their annual required minimum distribution (TMD) directly to a charity. By doing so, the required distribution can be made without counting it as part of their income, thereby lowering their tax bill.

Austin College alumni and friends interested in taking advantage of this rule should consult their tax advisors before making a distribution. More information about planned giving can be found on the Austin College website.