• Reading time:3 mins read

Eleven faculty members were installed in endowed faculty chairs or professorships during Honors Convocation in April, effective beginning the 2015-2016 academic year.

Nathan Simons Bigelow

the Shelton L. Williams Professorship
of Comparative and International Politics

Kerry Gail Brock

the Ray C. Fish Professorship
in Mathematics

Robert Wayne Cape Jr.

the Chase Professorship
of Classical Languages

Andrew J. Carr

the Michael A. Imhoff Endowed Professorship
in Chemistry

Victoria Hennessey Cummin
the A.M. Pate Jr.
Endowed Chair of History

John Patrick Duffey

the Margaret Root Brown Chair in
Foreign Languages and Literatures

Steven Kurt Goldsmith

the Monroe D. “Bud” Bryant & Howard McCarley
Endowed Professorship in Biology

Michael A. Higgs

the J.N. Chadwick
Endowed Chair in Mathematics

Karla S. McCain

the Rupert B. Lowe
Endowed Chair in Chemistry

Roger S. Platizky

the Henry L. & Laura H. Shoap
Endowed Professorship of English Literature
Steve Ramsey
Stephen L. Ramsey

the Clyde Hall Endowed Professorship
in Business and Economics

Faculty Tenure and Promotions
Effective Fall 2015

David Aiello
Associate Professor of Biology


(already tenured)
Kelly Reed
Professor of Biology