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Giving SocietiesThe Honor Roll of Donors included in this online magazine lists donors only by the total amount of their annual gifts, as giving societies for recognition have been renamed for the 2011-2012 year and beyond.

Along with the changes or additions of some recognition categories, the previous President’s Council has been renamed the President’s Circle. President’s Circle members, those making gifts of at least $1,000 annually (or $500 for GOLD Associates), provide support that allows President Marjorie Hass to deal with critical issues and pursue initiatives that enrich Austin College’s academic mission. President’s Circle members are recognized in various ways and are invited to select presidential events and dinners.

The President’s Circle includes six participation levels:

  • Endowed Associates recognize an unrestricted gift of $50,000 or more to the Austin College Endowment.
  • Daniel Baker Associates recognize an individual, couple, or company for an annual contribution of $25,000 or more.
  • John D. Moseley Associates recognize an individual, couple or company for an annual contribution of $5,000 to $24,000.
  • Samuel McKinney Associates recognize an individual, couple or company for an annual contribution of $2,500 to $4,999.
  • Annual Associates recognize an individual donor for an annual contribution of $1,000 to $2,499.
  • GOLD (Graduates Of the Last Decade) Associates recognize an individual donor 34 years of age or younger for an annual contribution of $500.

Other annual giving recognition includes the Century Club, for gifts of $100 or more and the Cornerstone Society, which recognizes individuals and couples who make monthly gifts to Austin College.

Very important to the ongoing success of the college is the Loyalty Society, which recognizes consecutive annual giving by donors for five, 10, 15, 20, and 25+ years.

The Heritage Societies recognize lifetime giving of significant support to Austin College and includes five levels:

  • The Founders Society recognizes donors of $5 million or more.
  • The Emily Austin Society recognizes donors of $1 million or more.
  • The Stephen F. Austin Society recognizes donors of $100,000 or more.
  • The Bob Mason Society recognizes donors of $50,000 to Austin College Athletics.
  • The Covenant Society recognizes individuals who have provided for Austin College in their estate plans.