Class Notes

62 Emory Glover welcomed family friend Nathan Hodgin ’13 home to Houston, Texas, in January after Nathan’s semester teaching English as a Second Language to children at Princesa de España…

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At the Helm: Alumnus is New Trinity University President Danny Anderson ’80 was elected to serve as Trinity University’s 19th president in December 2014 in a unanimous decision of the…

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‘Roo News

Warm Hearts Amidst the Cold While 24 below zero may seem too cold for some, Karel Anne Berry Tieszen ’83 found warm Austin College hearts while in Alaska for the…

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‘Roo Mates

97 Dana Baker and Leonard Wolf ’96 were married in San Francisco City Hall on December 26, 2014. 06 Rachel Baumann and Hunter Kennedy ’04 were married August 2, 2014,…

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Joey’s Corner

02 Brianna Burnett and Shaun Foreman welcomed Graeme Alexander to their family October 17, 2014. Brianna is a professor at the Art Institute of Pittsburgh Online, teaching photography, and Shaun…

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In Memoriam

’35 Elizabeth Campbell Bullock January 5, 2014 ’41 Luine Bryan Simpson December 30, 2014 ’47 Mary Elizabeth Foshee Scull April 12, 2015 ’49 Silas “Si” Vaughn May 9, 2015 ’50 Kate Moore…

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