Austin College recently surveyed alumni about their college experience and their alumni connections. This is what the nearly 2,000 respondents, 70 percent living deep in the heart of Texas, reported:
You really like us. A majority of respondents said they promote the College regularly or all the time.
You like to hear from us about how to give back. Alumni wanted to know about donor opportunities at least once a year; some thought it would be better to hear more often.
You LOVE the magazine. Respondents thought Austin College Magazine was the most important way they hear from us—and that we are doing a great job. Thanks!
You want to see more social media. Austin College now has a web marketing and online community coordinator to help us expand the College presence online. Connect with the social media at
You value your Austin College degree. Ninety percent of alumni strongly value and respect their Austin College degree, and 81 percent love hearing about the many accomplishments of our students. They also think it is really important that we continue to provide scholarships to give students an outstanding Austin College education.
You love the faculty. Alumni feel they had a better relationship with the faculty than students at other schools, and more than 80 percent thought it was really important to their college experience.
You want more career training. Respondents felt the College could do a better job preparing them for “real world” jobs. Career Services has the resources to help students prepare for their careers, and more students get involved in external internships each year.
You’re invited! Forty percent of the responding alumni would like to be invited to more alumni events. Alumni can check the alumni portion of the website to see when the next event near them will be held, or contact Alumni Relations at We, however, understand if you can’t make it: the survey indicated the top three reasons alumni don’t attend are time, geographical distance, and family obligations.
You’re well prepared. Because of their Austin College degree, alumni feel well prepared for a life of continuous learning, for graduate school, and for greater personal development, even more than students from other schools.
You made the right choice! Ninety six percent viewed their enrollment at Austin College as a good or great decision! They also felt they had a great student experience. Go ‘Roos!
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