• Reading time:3 mins read

Tessa Beth Foxoo

Joe Fox and Delynn Davidson ’03 welcomed their fourth child, Tessa Beth Fox, on March 16. She is well loved and protected by her big brothers, Tiago 6, Tycho 5, and Tadeo, almost 2. Tessa means “fourth born,” and the middle name of Beth honors her late cousin, who lost her young life to brain cancer. Besides spending their time wrangling tiny “fox cubs,” parents Joe and Delynn operate and teach yoga at their small business, SWEAT Yoga Studio, in Albuquerque, New Mexico.


Emilia Grace Snyder02

David and Sarah Beaty Snyder ’04 announce the birth of their daughter, Emilia Grace, born July 14, 2016. The proud parents have enjoyed working at Austin College for the past several years. David is director of institutional research and assessment and Sarah has served the Office of Admission in several roles, most recently director of transfer admission.


John William Kennedy04

Hunter and Rachel Baumann Kennedy ’06 welcomed their son, John William “Will,” on January 21. The couple lives in Dallas, Texas, where Rachel works as a recruiting manager for The   Container Store and Hunter works as land manager for Source Minerals.


Jack Allen McDowell with Cori Ann and CarliCory and Jennifer Whetsell McDowell announce the birth of their son, Jack Allen, born October 12, 2016. Jack’s sisters, Cori Ann and Carli, 5-year-old twins, welcomed him home. Jennifer is taking time off from teaching to care for their children. The family lives in Midland, Texas, where Cory is a shareholder with Stubbeman, McRea, Sealy, Laughlin & Browder. He recently was named one of Midland’s “20 Top Leaders Under 40.”



Ryan and Becca Webb Buell welcomed their daughter, Harper Rose Buell, on October 30, 2015. The family lives in Frisco, Texas, where Ryan is an IMS supervisor for the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas and Becca is the vice president of finance for the National Breast Cancer Foundation.

Next: From the Alumni Board President