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Elaine Mangelsdorf Hull sported her freshman beanie as President Marjorie Hass presented her with her Golden ’Roo medallion.Members of the Austin College Class of 1962 officially became Golden ’Roos during Commencement weekend in May as they marked the 50th anniversary of their graduation. Reminiscences, hugs, and much laughter were the staples of the weekend. Several Golden ’Roos from earlier years also attended the annual festivities, including Jack Selman ’57, celebrating 55 years, and Ben Harmon and Mary Walker Kuhn ’52, celebrating 60 years since their own graduations.

Many stories of the group’s days on campus were told during the “Walk Down Memory Lane” session with Jerry Lincecum, professor emeritus of English, and Peggy Redshaw, professor of biology. The faculty members’ summary of the afternoon’s remembrances is available online.

Members of the 50-year class have began funding to endow the Class of 1962 Scholarship as a reunion gift to the College, but have yet to reach the full amount needed. To make gifts in support of the scholarship, contact Paula Jonse, executive director of alumni engagement, at 903.813.2389.

Those gathered for the Class of 1962 photo, left to right are, front row, Margaret McCord, Peggy Ball Henderson, Bettye Bamford Parker, Judith Christopher, Gloria Stegall, Sue Aylor Due, Joan Leinneweber Ledebur, Kay Jones Baker, Marilyn Kretsinger, Margaret Brown Landolt, Kay Richter Travis; second row, Janyce Benton Cobb, William Cobb, Laura Holland Patton, Carol Schoeneck Walls, Janet Coffman, Marcia Wallace Snyder, Dub Narramore, Katie Beth Futch Schmidt, Thomas Finley Brown, Elaine Mangelsdorf Hull, John Travis; third row, Bob Weddle, Ed Bounderant, Charles Williams, Cheryl Richardson, Byron Myrick, Norman Dickey, Fredericka Richter DeBerry, Linda Allman Hahn, Richard Hull; and back row, Jack Selman, Rufus Head, Harold Parker, Robert Richardson Jr., William Huser, Dan West, Dian Gould McCall, Emory Glover, Donald Hahn, and T. Gordon Smith.

  • See more photos from the weekend.