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Homecoming 2017Greetings, ’Roo Nation!

The month of May is always such a special time at Austin College: warming weather has nature blooming; final exams have students scrambling; the summer has started beckoning; and of course, it is graduation!

Jeanne ThoesThis year, I was privileged to attend Commencement and to address the Class of 2017. This class is so very impressive and exhibited many honors and aspirations. The hopes and dreams and eagerness to take their next steps were clear to all as they walked across the stage to claim their degrees. Families cheered and cried, and the promise of the future was palpable in the air.

On behalf of the Austin College Alumni Board, it was my honor to share the message of continuing connection to Austin College as they begin their alumni careers, and to encourage them to stay in touch from their first day as new alumni.

As we bid them goodbye as students and hello as alumni, we added two additional members to the Class of 2017 alumni roster: our own Dr. Marjorie Hass and Dr. Larry Hass! The Alumni Board named them honorary alumni with all the rights and privileges. And in addition to this, we also pronounced them to be “ ’Roo Sweethearts.”

As our latest alumni – Class of 2017 – depart from campus to new adventures, they remain ever connected to our amazing Austin College community! Let us all reflect on graduation and use this milestone event to pledge that we too will stay connected to this amazing institution. Look for local AlumNight events in your area; watch for Women Get Connected announcements; join Austin College Facebook groups; and keep the magic of Austin College and our great ’Roo community alive and blooming.

Wishing you and yours a wonderful summer!

Jeanne Thoes

Jeanne (Holland) Thoes ’84
Alumni Board President

Next: Legends 2017