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Governors Choice

Bob JohnsonCarlton SchwabRobert Johnson ’53 has received a gubernatorial appointment to the Virginia Board of Historic Resources. The Board meets quarterly to receive and consider completed nominations to the Virginia Landmarks Register and the National Register of Historic Places. President of The Johnson Group in McLean, Virginia, Bob serves on the Austin College Board of Trustees, currently as chair.

Carlton Schwab ’81 has been named to the Select Committee on Economic Development by Governor Rick Perry. The committee makes recommendations to the legislature on economic development policies for the state. Carlton is president and CEO of the Texas Economic Development Council, vice-chair of the Texas Legislative Conference, and chair of the International Economic Development Council State Associations Committee.

Leading Lawyers

Buck FilesHeading the Bar

Buck Files ’60 was sworn in last month as president of the State Bar of Texas, the 132nd president of the organization (as shown on the cover of Texas Bar Journal). Buck has practiced law for 49 years, beginning as a Marine Corps lawyer in Vietnam. For the past 42 years he has been in private practice in Tyler, Texas, where he and his wife, Robyn (McChesney) ’62, raised their family. He is a founding member of Bain, Files, Jarrett, Bain, and Harrison law firm, where he practices in the areas of criminal law and civil rights. Buck has received numerous honors for his work, including recognition from his peers with induction to the Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association Hall of Fame and the Texas Board of Legal Specialization’s Garner Distinguished Service Award.

Buck has served the State Bar of Texas in a number of capacities, including as a member of the State Bar Board of Directors from 2004 to 2007 and as a Grievance Committee volunteer from 1992 to 1996.

The Texas Bar Journal includes an article on Buck’s presidency.

Charla Aldous

Super Lawyers

When the 2011 Texas Super Lawyers were announced in Texas Monthly at year’s end, 34 alumni were on the list of the top 5 percent of lawyers in the state—an impressive feat sinceTexas has more than 90,000 attorneys. Selection to the list of those who have attained a high degree of peer recognition and professional achievement is multi-phased and includes independent research, peer nominations, and peer evaluations. Two alumni, however, seem “super” super lawyers, named among the Top 100 Lawyers in the State: Charla M. Aldous ’82 of Dallas and William R. Allensworth ’68 of Austin.

William AllensworthFounder of Allensworth & Porter firm in Austin, Allensworth has more than 35 years of experience in litigation, including many jury cases and appeals in both state and federal courts, including significant construction decisions rendered by Texas appellate courts.

He also is an adjunct professor at the University of Texas School of Law and is co-editor of Construction Law, a widely used textbook published by the American Bar Association.

Charla Aldous, founder of Aldous Law in Dallas, has handled more than 100 jury trials, including cases of catastrophic motor vehicle accidents, medical malpractice, products liability, wrongful death, contract disputes, and toxic tort cases.

She also was named among the Top 50 Women Lawyers in Texas—a list she has made several times before.

See the full list of Austin College 2011 Super Lawyers in the Spring 2012 online-only Austin College Magazine.

Campus Honors for Alumni

John Andersen & David BakerSarah Bernice Moseley & David BakerJohn M. Andersen ’66 of Dallas, Texas, was inducted to Phi Beta Kappa in April, the 2012 alumnus selection to the Iota of Texas chapter at Austin College. Chapters may induct alumni who graduated at least 10 years previously. Andersen joined 26 Class of 2012 inductees who signed the official chapter registry during the ceremony, along with honorary inductee Sara Bernice Moseley, first lady of Austin College during the John D. Moseley presidency (1953-1978). David Baker, chapter secretary-treasurer and associate professor of physics, instructed the new members.

Bud PickettAndersen is professor of pediatrics and director of pediatric gastroenterology at UT Southwestern Medical School and Children’s Medical Center in Dallas. He also serves on the Austin College Board of Trustees.

Carroll Lamar “Bud” Pickett ’54 of Kerrville, Texas, received an honorary Doctor of Divinity degree during the Austin College  Commencement ceremony in May. An ordained Presbyterian minister, Pickett has served in several pastorates and for 15 years, was chaplain for the Death Row Unit of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice prison system in Huntsville.

Sarah Gunderson

New Alumni Board President

Sarah Gunderson ’81 of Dallas, Texas, became the president of the Austin College Alumni Board on July 1. She has served two terms as president of the Alumni “A” Athletics Association as well as several positions within the Alumni Board and other volunteer roles on behalf of the College. She received the College’s Heywood C. Clemons Volunteer Service Award in 2008.

Sarah earned an MBA in 1982 and is employed with RealPage, a company focused on delivering software solutions to the multifamily industry. This spring, she became a charter member of the Robert T. Mason Giving Society in recognition of leadership gifts in support of athletics and also was inducted to the Stephen F. Austin Giving Society for leadership gifts to the College.

Jenny King ’92 completed her board presidency in June.

A Special Award

Rebecca SykesBecky Russell Sykes ’67 received a prestigious Special Recognition Award at the National Philanthropy Day awards luncheon in November 2011, presented by the Greater Dallas chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals. She is only the third person to receive this award in the 26-year history of the National Philanthropy Day event in Dallas.

The award honors her leadership and impact upon philanthropy and the nonprofit sector in Dallas. Becky is the founder and immediate past president and CEO of the Dallas Women’s Foundation—now the second largest of the 170 women’s funds in the world. The foundation strengthens the community by increasing the investment in women and girls and empowering women’s philanthropy.

Throughout her career, Becky has been active in public policy, nonprofit management, strategic planning, and fundraising. She now serves as a member of the Austin College Board of Trustees and recently served as president of the Austin College Alumni Board. She and her husband, Larry ’66, live in Dallas.

An Award for Service

Sharon KingSharon King, a senior member of the Austin College Board of Trustees, was honored recently with the Distinguished Service Award from the Women’s Council of Dallas County. The award recognizes leadership, perseverance, organization, and creativity in service to the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex. Sharon is vice president of development for Consumer Credit Counseling Services of Dallas, a financial literacy and housing education and counseling nonprofit. She has served many Dallas organizations through her work and volunteer efforts.


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