• Reading time:8 mins read

The following awards were presented by Austin College President Marjorie Hass and Sarah Gunderson ’81, Alumni Board president, during Homecoming festivities on campus in October.


Jeff MabrayJeff Mabray ’96 of Carrollton, Texas
Specification Sales, Edwin Jones Company
Master of Fine Arts, Tulane University

Why I work on behalf of Austin College?

“I do what I do for the school because no matter how much I do, I can never repay the institution for the things that it has done for me—in shaping me, helping me become the person that I am today. At 18, you make this decision about where you are going to go to college. You go and visit; you like the campus; you get a feel for the place. You think you make the right choice. In reality, you have absolutely no idea the impact that that one decision has on the entirety of the rest of your life.

Friendships made, viewpoints formed, ways of thinking learned—all these things become a major part of who you are, what you become, and what you do with your life and in service to others. All of these are cultivated from the roots that you form at that place. Austin College has been
those roots for me.”

“Life” advice for an Austin College freshman?

“Do as much as you can. If you know what you want to do, become as involved with that as you possibly can. If you don’t know, try to do many different things until you find something you really feel passionate about. Find that thing that drives you—explore it; love it; hate it; feel it; do it.”


David CorriganDavid Corrigan ’81 of Dallas, Texas
President and CEO of Corrigan Investments,
commercial real estate development and investment firm

What makes a good leader?

“A positive attitude and the ability to work with others are critical for a leader.”

“Life” advice for Austin College students today?

“Stick to your goals, never give up! Be careful what you wish for; chances are it will come true.”

My goals in serving others?

“I want to make the world better than I found it.”

Most important in my life?

“Christ, family, and service.”


Charles ReynoldsCharles H. Reynolds ’79 of Lansdale, Pennsylvania
President, GFree—a structure-based drug discovery company in Philadelphia;
Adjunct Professor at Pennsylvania Drug Discovery Institute
Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin

Why I do what I do?

“I have always been fascinated by science. Even as a kid I always wanted to know how things worked. The greatest thing about my job is that there is something new every day; the questions inevitably outnumber the answers.”

What I consider the true value of my Austin College education?

“For me the value of my Austin College education goes well beyond academics. I think the “hands-on” atmosphere at Austin College helped prepare me to be successful in the interdisciplinary and fast-changing worlds of science and business.”

“Life” advice for Austin College students today?

“I have always tended to be a planner, and I think a little cautious. But in my career some of my most exciting and interesting, although perhaps not easiest or most comfortable, opportunities have come when I took a chance and made a big change. So my advice to students is to be  fearless—not reckless, but fearless.”


Kirk SmithKirk Smith ’81 of Galveston, Texas
Arnold P. Gold Associate Professor of Internal Medicine,
University of Texas Medical Branch School of Medicine in Galveston;
Executive Director of Frontera de Salud health care program for the underserved
M.D., Ph.D., University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston

What makes a good leader?

“Leadership for me has been following my passion and helping others follow theirs. Austin College is where I learned that commitment to something larger than yourself is a worthy goal for a human life, and the best antidote I know to quiet desperation.”

“Life” advice for Austin College students today?

“Marry the right person; live beneath your means; don’t own a television. I’ve succeeded any time I’ve been willing to fail, but not give up; two steps forward and one step back is still progress.”


Todd WilliamsTodd Williams ’82 of Dallas, Texas
Retired partner, Goldman Sachs;
Executive director of the independent nonprofit organization Commit!,
dedicated to helping Dallas County
children realize their full potential
M.B.A.,Wharton School of Business, University of

Why I do what I do?

“I am absolutely convinced that the challenges within our current education system are the single biggest threat facing our country as we know it. Effective public education feeds the American Dream and provides hope for many. It drives our level of critical thinking and discourse and our ability to solve big problems. It’s the ladder that so many of us used to transform our own lives, and those who ignore or dismiss it as unsolvable are in effect acquiescing to the ladder being pulled up behind us. It’s not the right moral answer, nor is it the right economic answer. It’s solvable, but it takes a lot of people to care.”


Amanda ThomasAmanda Thomas ’02 of Washington, D.C.
Architect, Gensler
Master of Architecture, University of Houston

Why I do what I do?

“When I started at Austin College, I thought I wanted to be a computer science major. I quickly learned that programming was not my strongest skill and that I really loved my photography classes. As I started to think about the options for an art major, I went on a Jan Term to France and Italy with a day trip to Barcelona. I fell in love with the architecture and began my applications to graduate school. I’ve found that architecture is the perfect combination of design and technical for me. In Washington, D.C., I focus on sustainable design and sustainable consulting. This specialty speaks to my passion for innovative design solutions and technology to increase building performance. It has also become an opportunity for me to help the world become a better place, one ‘green’ project at a time.”


John WilliamsJohn D.Williams ’84 of Sherman, Texas
Austin College Chaplain—William E. Elliot, Jr., Chair in Christian Ministry—and Director of Church Relations
Master of Divinity, Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary; Ph.D., Southern Methodist University

Why I do what I do for the College?

“I love being a small character in the inspiring and epic story of Austin College and of so many different students and alumni. I enjoy accompanying students through this important season of their lives and knowing them as they leave Austin College and live useful and interesting lives that impact the lives of others. I also like representing the church in the life of the College and representing the College in the life of the church.”