Continuing Their Family Traditions

The Class of 2025 includes many students who have ’Roo family members. Several first-year students have siblings who’ve attended or who are still on campus. Making Austin College a family tradition also happens through following cousins, aunts, uncles, or grandparents to campus—whether the family members attended recently or years ago. Space isn’t available to show or list all those students, but most of the students whose legacy connections are their parents are pictured below.

Tyra Bennett with dad Tyson Bennett ’92 Twins Oliver and Blume Cernero with dad Ryan Cernero ’92, mom Carrie Morgan Cernero ’91 not pictured Kailey Harshaw with parents Erica Huggins Horston ’98 and John Harshaw ’94 Asher Thompson with parents Jennifer King and Christopher Thompson, both ’92; also grandson of Allen ’66 and Diane Thompson ’68

See more Legacy Students 2021