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Dan BreazealeDan Brazeale ’66, professor of philosophy at the University of Kentucky, received his institution’s highest award for faculty this spring, named a recipient of the Provost’s Distinguished Service Award. The honorees, nominated by deans, are selected by the provost, who wrote in the announcement, “Among our faculty are many outstanding professionals whose contributions to the university’s multiple missions are truly and consistently extraordinary. To recognize such outstanding faculty members, the university designates a few individuals each year as Provost’s Distinguished Service Professor.”

The award includes a three-year stipend and the honored title continues throughout the faculty member’s tenure. Dan, who received an Austin College Distinguished Alumni Award in 2011, said this spring’s honor came as “an utter unexpected surprise.”

After graduating from Austin College in 1966, Dan earned a Ph.D. in philosophy at Yale University and joined the University of Kentucky faculty in 1971. He has received numerous teaching and research honors. Dan and his wife, Vivianne Chabas, live in Lexington, Kentucky.