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CommencementFor the Class of 2012, Commencement is coming too quickly—and not quickly enough. Four years of classwork, reading assignments, tests, papers, lab work, and presentations are nearly over, but so is seniors’ close-knit day-to-day life among the Austin College community that has become home.

But the end will come so plans are underway for a weekend of activities May 12-13.

Details are available online, but the highlights are:

Friday, May 11

Class of 1962 and Golden ’Roo Reunion

CommencementSaturday, May 12

Senior and Family Reception with President Hass, 2 – 3 p.m., Wright Campus Center, Living Room

Baccalaureate Service with a sermon by the Reverend Dr. Robert Crilley, pastor of First Presbyterian Church of Grapevine, Texas; 7 p.m., Mason Complex, Sid Richardson Center

Senior Party for seniors and families, following Baccalaureate, Wright Campus Center, Mabee Hall

Sunday, May 13

Commencement Exercises, including an address by Commander Stan Fornea, chaplain for the White House Military Office, and a student speaker, still to be elected, Sunday, May 13, 8:30 a.m., Clyde L. Hall Graduation Court

Honorary degrees will be awarded to the baccalaureate and commencement speakers, as well as the Reverend Dr. Carroll L “Bud” Pickett, 1954 Austin College graduate, long-time Presbyterian minister, and former prison chaplain of the Huntsville Unit of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice system.

Nearly 300 seniors from the Class of 2012 will receive Bachelor of Arts diplomas, along with 15 graduate students in the teacher education program who will receive Master of Arts in Teaching degrees.

Members of the Class of 1962 and other Golden ’Roos (alumni whose classes graduated at least 50 years ago) will be special guests for the event.