The 2011 seniors awarded Fulbright grants for English Teaching Assistantships share their Statement of Grant Purpose essays, part of the application process. STATEMENT OF GRANT PURPOSE Christiana Bay, Korea, English Teaching Assistantship Teaching in Korea is an exciting prospect, for many reasons, personal and professional. Let me touch on the personal reasons first. I am… [Read More]
More Faces of Success
Amazingly, at Austin College, these stories of success are not unique. The mix of involvements and opportunities may change, but the resulting stories are of students who took full advantage of the Austin College educational experience and are prepared to change their worlds with what they gained. These are just a few more examples. Jason… [Read More]
More About Their Adventure
We began in Cape Town where we enjoyed the beaches and mountains, took breathtaking cliffside drives, toured a township to learn more about apartheid, walked with penguins on Boulder’s beach, stood atop table mountain, and shark dived with great white sharks in the tumultuous and COLD cape of storms! And we made sure to watch… [Read More]
Chase Gaddy Memorial Speech
Divers are strong. Good divers have to be able to use their muscles to launch themselves into the air, make their bodies do some crazy stunt, and deal with the impact of the fall. Everyone knows Chase as being one of the strongest people they’ve ever met, and I’m sure I will hear no argument… [Read More]
JanTerm in Taiwan
JanTerm in Rome
JanTerm in London
JanTerm in Guatemala
JanTerm in Argentina
Alert Message
Tomorrow, Thursday October 20, most of our systems, including email, will be unavailable from 4:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. so that we can perform scheduled maintenance and upgrade tasks. However, Internet access WILL BE available during this period through our on-campus wired and wireless networks. You should assume that all other electronic information resources, will NOT… [Read More]