Twisted Weather
With tornado season upon us, Kevin Simmons, Austin College Corrigan Chair of Economics, has had several opportunities to share his findings on the hidden costs of severe weather and the…
With tornado season upon us, Kevin Simmons, Austin College Corrigan Chair of Economics, has had several opportunities to share his findings on the hidden costs of severe weather and the…
John Richardson is not a chef, but he’s teaching cooking this spring—in a science course. In “Mastering the Art of Chemical Cooking” Richardson, associate professor of chemistry, is teaching the…
Magic was in the air on campus when two of the world’s most famous and influential magicians performed before a capacity crowd in Ida Green Theatre in February for “Magic:…
Meet Lynn Womble: Austin College has created a new position, director of public affairs, to provide strategic direction for both internal and external College communications. Lynn Womble stepped into the…