• Reading time:2 mins read

Audrey Rose classAudrey Rose ’18 is shown with some of the third grade students who captured her heart during her Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship in the Canary Islands during 2019-2020. For 2020-2021, she has been selected as the Fulbright Cultural and Pedagogy Mentor for the Canary Islands. She says she is “incredibly fortunate to have another year in the city of Las Palmas on Gran Canaria, el continente en miniatura (The Miniature  Continent)” and work with wonderful students, teachers, and Fulbrighters.



'Roo TeachersCollege Week at Robertson Elementary in Frisco ISD brought out the ’Roos from among the teachers and administrators! Celebrating their alma mater, left to right, are Jennifer Jackson Bordelon ’02 (MAT ’03), third grade; Emily Campbell ’20 (MAT ’21), first grade; Rachel Sartor ’18 (MAT ’19), third grade; and Dr. Kyla Parker Prusak ’04 (MAT ’05), principal.



A Mob of RoosMonths ago, when ’Roos could still gather, this group met regularly for conversation and to share a few memories. Left to right, the alumni are, standing, Jim Jecker ’57 and Frank Seaman ’59; and, seated, Ira Anderson ’58, Bob Nolan ’58, and David Fox ’58. Mike Murray ’58 stepped away to shoot the photo. The group is sometimes joined by Joe Turner ’58 and Bill Walker, who taught on campus in the mid-1950s, according to Murray.



Danny & Carol TaylorGolden ’Roos Carol Jordan Taylor ’69 and Danny Taylor ’67 celebrated 50 years of marriage in 2020.