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His Nominators Are Former Bradshaw Staffers and Award Winners

Michael DeenMichael Deen, Austin College dean of students, has received the 2020 Robert D. Bradshaw Small College Student Advocate Award from the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA) Region III.

“I couldn’t be more honored,” Deen said. “I know the legacy of Robert Bradshaw, and I’m humbled to receive this award from my professional education association.”

The award recognizes Deen’s “significant success and commitment in student advocacy and interaction in his 15-year career at Austin College, as well as performance ‘above and beyond the call of duty’ serving multiple roles within the campus community.”

Deen joined Austin College’s Student Life staff in fall 2005 to direct student activities, and over the past 15 years, has progressively broadened his scope of leadership. In 2010, he became director of Student Life and has served as dean of students since 2014. As dean, he oversees residence life, student activities, Greek life, judicial affairs, student publications, Wright Campus Center operations, summer conferences, and health services.

Tim Millerick, vice president for Student Affairs at Austin College, nominated Deen for the award, and praised his dedication to students, highlighting his leadership of student organizations, the residential community, Greek life, Title IX, and student diversity. “Through Michael’s many efforts of support, Austin College serves its students far better in very special and diverse ways,” Millerick wrote in his nomination.

Those familiar with Austin College’s not-too-distant history will recognize the name of the individual memorialized by the Robert Bradshaw Award. Known to his Austin College colleagues and students simply as “Brad,” Bradshaw was vice president for Student Affairs at Austin College from 1984 until his sudden death in 1993. Millerick, who came to Austin College to work for Bradshaw in 1990, became interim vice president upon Bradshaw’s death and was hired for the position in 1994.

NASPA’s Region III created the Bradshaw Award to recognize the multiple roles Bradshaw played as a mentor, faculty member, and administrator at Austin College and in the higher education community.

The inaugural recipient was Janet Heeter, who was Bradshaw’s first key Student Affairs hire at Austin College, in 1984, and who wrote a letter of support for Deen’s nomination. “I had the privilege of working for Bob ‘Brad’ Bradshaw at Austin College and still consider him one of my greatest mentors of all time. He was a powerful presence at Austin College,” she said. “Like ‘Brad,’ Michael has developed successful partnerships across campus due to his enthusiasm and energy.” Though she has not worked alongside Deen, Heeter has interacted with him professionally for many years.

Millerick, who received the Bradshaw Award in 2004, is particularly pleased to note the legacy of mentorship evidenced in the nominations and award to Deen, as well as the ongoing professional relationship with Heeter-Bass.

“Now Michael joins us in receiving the Bradshaw Award, all of us in service to Austin College,” Millerick said, adding that he and Heeter were part of the NASPA committee that created the Bradshaw Award. ”I’m pleased to welcome Michael to join us in this club. Brad would be proud.”

The award was to be presented in June at the Region III Summer Symposium, which has been postponed. The honor recognizes professionals at schools of less than 5,000 students.

Deen also spent 10 years in student affairs work at SMU and three years at Art Center College of Design in California. He earned a bachelor’s degree at Tarleton State University and a master’s degree at Texas A&M University.