• Reading time:2 mins read
Roger PlatizkyDr. Roger Platizky, Henry L. and Laura H. Shoap Professor of English, was presented the Homer P. Rainey Award for Outstanding Achievement and Service to Austin College. He has taught  English and other cross-disciplinary classes at Austin College for 28 years. He also sponsors the ACCARES organization, is president of the Iota Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, and serves on the Health Science and Gender Studies committees.
Martinella DryburghDr. Martinella Dryburgh was installed in the Leslie B. Crane Chair of Leadership Studies. Investiture of a chair is an ancient academic ceremony symbolizing the pursuit of knowledge. The investiture honors the faculty member installed and the generosity of the donors who funded the named chair. The Crane Chair was established by Lee and Sally Posey in 2002 in honor of one of Lee’s longtime mentors.
Julia ShahidDonald RodgersIn recognition of teaching excellence, Dr. Julia Shahid, associate professor of education, was named the Austin College Piper Professor nominee, and the late Dr. Don Rodgers, associate  professor of political science who died suddenly last fall, posthumously was honored with the Austin College Excellence in Teaching and Leadership Award.

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