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Ashley MayorgaSenior Ashley Mayorga of West Corvina, California, was named Outstanding Greek Woman. An active member and leader of Kappa Gamma Chi sorority, she also has served the Greek community by leading the Greek Review Board. She also is a member of Greek Council, having served as vice president. She also has been a member of the Order of Omega, CAB, and Student Assembly.  She has been an active volunteer as well, participating regularly in Great Day of Service and serving at Denison Animal Welfare Group (DAWG) and at St. Mary’s Fall Festival.

Darian JohannsenDarian Johannsen of Houston, Texas, was named Greek Sorority New Member. A member of Sigma Phi Chi, she was described in nomination materials as always willing to do her part to see her sisters succeed. The nominator said she had been an outstanding member of Sigma Phi Chi, of the Greek life community, and of the Austin College community. She also is the sports editor for The Observer and a member of CAB, selected as CABBIE of the Semester for Fall Term 2019. A member of the TEDxAustinCollege Executive Team, Darian also helped to organize and promote the 2020 Martin Luther King celebration with Hershel Walker.

Omega Zeta was honored for hosting the Outstanding All-Campus Event, Karaoke for CASA.

Kappa Gamma Chi was honored for Outstanding Membership Development Project, hosting Get Together Camping.

Alpha Delta Chi was recognized for its Outstanding Service Project for its continued work at Sneed Environmental Research Center and Prairie.

Alpha Delta Chi also was named Outstanding Greek Organization for 2020.

Lisa M BrownDan PuculLisa M. Brown, professor of psychology and Dean of Social Sciences, and Dan Pucul, Ida Green

Theatre coordinator, received the Greek Outstanding Faculty and Staff Awards for their advocacy of Greek life on campus.

Austin College, a private national liberal arts college located north of Dallas in Sherman, Texas, has earned a reputation for excellence in academic preparation, international study, pre-professional foundations, leadership development, committed faculty, and hands-on, adventurous learning opportunities. One of 40 schools profiled in Loren Pope’s influential book Colleges That Change Lives, Austin College boasts a welcoming community that embraces diversity and individuality, with 46 percent of students identifying as persons of color. The residential student body of approximately 1,300 students and more than 100 expert faculty members allow a 13:1 student-faculty ratio and personalized attention. Austin College is related by covenant to the Presbyterian Church (USA) and cultivates an inclusive atmosphere that supports students’ faith journeys regardless of religious tradition. Founded in 1849, the College is the oldest institution of higher education in Texas operating under original name and charter.